
The Department of Information Technology Center, established in 2004, trains students in the eight faculties of RUA: Such as faculty of Agronomy, faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, faculty of Forestry, faculty of Fisheries, faculty of Agricultural Technology and Management, faculty of Agro-Industry, faculty of Agricultural Economic and Rural Development and faculty of Land Management and Land Administration.

The Department of Information Technology Center has trained students who are the best resources for development the country and getting the brighter future. We train adequate quantities of students in order to respond the market demand.


The Department of Information Technology Center provides the Computer programs  such as basic Computer, Database Management System, Data Analysis, GIS, AutoCAD, Repair and Networking Computer  to all of Student in Royal University of Agriculture. 


The I.T. Center of RUA seeks to develop the university’s capacity for high quality research, training and consultancy in the fields of computer science, We aim to be the core center for researching and studying on Information Technology for Agriculture in Cambodia within the next few years. 


The aim of the center is to provide innovative information technology knowledge to students at the Royal University of Agriculture. Moreover increasing the resources to overtake the current market demand.